Anniversary or Mensiversary??

Hi guys ... it’s a happy time to see you now. This time we will discuss about something we often celebrate. Yeah!! An anniversary. Surely you guys who have undergone a relationship must have been very familiar with the anniversary. For those who are single, just calm down, because someday definitely you will have the anniversary, if you already have a girl/boyfriend for sure hahaha XD

BTW, what is this anniversary really like? Is it anniversary need to be celebrated? How important is the anniversary? Before we discuss that, first we must know “anniversary”  derived from. Because it seems like there are many of us still don't understand or might be mistaken about this anniversary pronunciation.

Yupp .. anniversary is a word that comes from Latin, namely “annum” and “versary”. Well, this is what i can tell you guys, that 'annum' means year and 'versary' which means a turning point. So anniversary is a celebration to celebrate a relationship every year on the same date as it began. The anniversary is celebrated on the same date each year to commemorate when an important moment occurs, such as the moment of marriage and engagement. That’s it, the meaning of the anniversary.

Oh ya, i think you guys are often say it to your partner (red: girl/boyfriend) ‘happy anniversary', right? I guess all you guys often or mostly always say “happy anniversary” like that to girls or your guys. By the way, there's actually an error. You're actually mistaken about this anniversary. What you usually say every month is actually MENSIVERSARY.

Back to the explanation of the word it derived, we discuss MENSIVERSARY first. Just like the anniversary, MENSIVERSARY as long as we said also comes from Latin. Mensiversary comes from two words, it’s “mensis” and “versary”. So, “mensis” has the meaning of the month and ‘versary’ means a turning point. So, mensiversary is a celebration of a moment that is celebrated on the same date each month (for example, date of you guys engaged).

Yeah!! That was an explanation about anniversary and mensiversary. So the thing you usually say to your partner every month is called Mensiversary NOT an anniversary. If you guys want to say to your partner for celebrating your happy date in each month, just say 'HAPPY MENSIVERSARY, bae' or simply say 'HAPPY MENSIVE'.

So, you guys know what? There are differences between ANNIVERSARY and MENSIVERSARY that you are all often celebrating it. What about how? There has been little enlightenment about the common misunderstandings about the two things that are considered to be the same in general but are actually different (red: Anniversary and Mensiversary). With this post, i hope now there’s an understanding about that two different things and how to put the two words spoken.


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