
Showing posts from 2013


JEJAK KEHIDUPAN PURBA DI KOTA KRETEK (KUDUS) Kudus, sebuah kota kecil yang terletak di bagian utara provinsi Jawa Tengah. Kota tersebut terkenal dengan banyaknya pabrik rokok/kretek, sehingga dijuluki sebagai “Kota Kretek”. Kudus telah menjadi kota yang modern dan dicanangkan oleh pemerintahnya sebagai kota industri. Hal itu dibuktikan dengan banyaknya pabrik-pabrik, mall, resto, dan hotel di kota kecil ini. Namun, di samping modernitas di Kudus, ternyata tersimpan serpihan-serpihan kepurbakalaan yang memperkaya hasanah kekayaan budaya Indonesia, khususnya untuk Kudus sendiri. Bukti kepurbakalaan tersebut tersimpan rapi dalam “Situs Patiayam”. LOKASI SITUS PATIAYAM Situs Patiayam berlokasi di dukuh Kancilan, desa Terban, kecamatan Jekulo, kabupaten Kudus, provinsi Jawa Tengah. Di daerah Patiayam ini banyak ditemukan fosil-fosil, oleh warga sekitar disebut ‘balung buta’ ( baca : balung buto   –tulang raksasa). fosil badak Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta telah melakukan


STUDENTS MAY NOT SMOKE AT SCHOOL I’m sure that all of the schools in everywhere forbid their students to smoke at school. Why? It’s just because there are a lot of reasons why smoking at school is forbidden. Why is it forbidden? The first reason, smoking is not so good for health. If students smoke, students’ physical condition will be negatively effected. So that, students can’t easily pay attention to the lessons which teachers teach in class. Second is from students’ economic side. Smoking is just waste students’ pocket money. Maybe some students start smoking because they want to know what the taste of cigarette or they get cigarette from someone and then try it. But then students can easily addicted to smoke. For this reason, they will pay whatever to smoke and spend more money just only for smoking. They forget that their money which is given by their parents is for school needs. The last reason why students may not smoke at school is students who smokes at scho


DAN’S HORRIBLE HOLIDAY One day there lived a boy in a crowded city. He bored with all the situation and atmosphere in the place where he lived in. His name is Daniel, usually he called Dan. Because of his own problem with his place, then he decided to go for having a holiday in West Alley village. It was a peaceful place with no pollution. In the sunny morning after he came there, he walked around the village for sightseeing. Suddenly, his foot stopped on quay wall near the lake. He amazed with God creation, beautifulness of the lake. Only himself who were there to enjoy the atmosphere of the lake. Moments later, there was a man who crossed in front of Dan with his boat. Dan interested for boating. Then Dan called him and got into the man’s boat. Dan started to go for boating. Few minutes later, something strange appeared near the boat. “Ah! Shit! That’s crocodile!” Dan shouted. “Come on, Dan! Row faster!” the man said to Dan. Then Dan and the man rowed the boat faster and


SEPENGGAL KISAH “ POPCORN ” Apa yang terpikir dibenakmu tentang sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan bioskop? Yup! Film.. selain itu? Popcorn ! Yeah, popcorn memang telah menjadi makanan ringan yang wajib dibawa saat nonton di bioskop. Tapi, tahukah kamu kalau popcorn sudah ada sejak abad ke-25? Inilah sepenggal kisah tentang “ popcorn ”. Dalam catatan Hernando Cortez sekitar abad XV mengungkapkan bahwa popcorn adalah makanan utama bagi suku Aztec, suku yang telah mempunyai peradaban yang tinggi dan bermukim di Amerika Selatan. Selain sebagai makanan utama, suku Aztec sering menggunakan popcorn sebagai pelengkap upacara keagamaan dan untuk dekorasi upacara. Para ahli dari Harvard University memprediksikan bahwa umur popcorn lebih tua lagi, karena telah ditemukan fosil popcorn . Menurut para ahli tersebut, popcorn telah ada lebih dari 5000 SM. Popcorn memang bukan hal baru bagi kita. Popcorn mulai dikenal dunia ketika Charles Cretors cara membuat popcorn di 1885.


ALEXANDER AGUNG PENCETUS PERSATUAN DUNIA Iskandar Zulkarnaen atau yang terkenal dengan nama Alexander Agung / Great Alexander adalah seorang raja Macedonia. Pada abad ke-2 sebelum masehi dia memimpin perang terbesar yang pernah terjadi di dunia. Alexander Agung merupakan salah seorang murid philosopher dunia, Aristoteles. Di usianya yang ke-13 Alexander menjadi murid Aristoteles. Ia dididik mencintai ilmu pengetahuan.  Alexander Agung lahir pada tahun 356 SM di Pella, Macedonia. Ayahnya bernama Philippus II dan ibunya adalah Olimpias. Saat usia Alexander menginjak 16 tahun, dia telah berhasil mengalahkan tentara Maedi dari bangsa Thracia. Dia pun ikut sang ayah, Philippus II untuk mengalahkan tentara Yunani pada pertempuran Chaeronea ketika Alexander berusia 18 tahun. Ayah Alexander meninggal saat berusaha meredam pemberontakan di Theber, hal itu terjadi ketika Alexander masih berumur 20 tahun dan dia pun menjadi raja Macedonia menggantikan ayahnya. Di usianya yang ke-22 ,


ALBERT EINSTEIN Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955) was a German- born theoretical physicist. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest physics of all time. He played a leading role in formulating the special and general theories of relativity. Moreover, he made a significant contributions to quantum theory and statistical mechanics. While best known for the Theory of Relativity (and specially mass energy equivalence, E=mc 2 ) he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect in 1905 (his wonderful/miraculous year) and for his services to Theoretical Physics.


ARCHIMEDES Archimedes (287-212 BC) was an ancient Greek mathematician, physics, engineer, astronomer, and philosopher born in the seaport colony of Syracuse, Magna Graecia, what is now well-known as Sicily. He is considered by some historians of math to be one of the greatest, if not the greatest, mathematician in antiquity. Carl Friedrich Gauss considered him one of the two greatest ever (the other being sir Isaac Newton).


SOCRATES Socrates (470-399 BCE) was an ancient Greek philosopher who’s widely credited for laying the foundation for Western philosophy. He was born and lived in Athens, where he spent most of his time in enthusiastic pursuit of wisdom. He followed the argument in his persona reflection, and in a sustained and rigorous dialogue between friends, followers, and contemporary itinerant teachers of wisdom. Later on, he was known as the wisest man in all of Greece.


CONFUCIUS Confucius (September 28, 551 – 479 BCE) was a famous Chinese thinker and social philosopher , whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced East Asian life and thought. His philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. Confucius’ thoughts have been developed into a system of philosophy known as “ Confucianism ”.


LEONARDO da VINCI Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was a talented Italian Renaissance Roman Catholic polymath : architect, anatomist, sculptor, engineer, inventor, geometer, scientist, mathematician, musician, and painter. He has been described as the archetype of the “Renaissance man”, a man infinitely curious and equally inventive. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painter of all the time and a universal genius.


NICOLAS COPERNICUS Nicolas Copernicus (February 19, 1473 – May 24, 1543) was an astronomer who provided the first modern formulation of a heliocentric (sun-centered) theory of the solar system in his epocal book, “ de Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium ” (on the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres). Copernicus was born in Torun, it’s called Thorn now, in 1473 in Royal Prussia, an autonomous province of Poland’s Kingdom.


GALILEO GALILEI Galileo Galilei (February 15, 1564 – January 8, 1642) was an Italian physics, astronomer, astrologer, and philosopher who’s closely associated with the scientific revolution. His achievement include the improvement to the telescope, a variety of astronomical observation, the first and second laws of motion, and effective support of Copernicanism. He has been referred to as “ father of modern astronomy ”, the “ father of modern physics ”, and as the “ father of science ”.


VAUST VRANCIC SANG MANUSIA TERBANG PENEMU PARASUT Sejak berabad-abad silam, telah timbul obsesi besar dalam diri manusia untuk bisa terbang selayaknya burung. Banyak ditemui mitos tentang manusia terbang di dongeng-dongeng klasik. Dan seorang ilmuan terkenal, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) adalah ilmuan pertama yang membuat konsep terbang menggunakan parasut. Sketsa gambar seorang manusia terjun bebas dari gedung bertingkat dibuatnya. Sketsa parasut buatan pelukis Monalisa, Leonardo da Vinci memberi konsep baru mengenai terjun paying. Tapi anehnya tidak satupun ilmuan bisa membuat parasut seperti yang ada pada lukisan da Vinci hingga seabad kemudian. Kebanyakan ilmuan hanya menganggap bahwa lukisan Leonardo da Vinci hanya sebuah lukisan biasa yang tidak mengandung unsur ilmiah sama sekali. Hal lain yang jadi masalah juga seandainya parasut terbang telah dibuat, dan tidak ada relawan yang bersedia menguji coba terjun payung, karena takut jatuh. Untungnya ada Vaust Vran


J QUOTES J Here is some quotes of mine from world’s philosopher  that may be your spirit in life, that may help you to strong enough in facing all problem you face J so, with this I wish all of you can get your strength and smile that always stick on ur lips. J J J 1.      At the center of your being, you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you really want. ~ Lao Tzu ~ 2.      Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or the last time. Then your time on Earth will be filled with glory. ~ Betty Smith ~ 3.      Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosever loves much performs much, and can accomplish love, and what is done in love is done well. ~ Vincent Van Gogh ~ 4.      Be the change that you want to see in the world. ~ Mahatma Gandhi ~ If you try to live by these inspiring words, you will find that life will truly be a better place. All change starts with yourself! 5.      Ta


CARA MEMBUAT TELESKOP Senang ya kalau kita bisa berada di langit, terbang dan bermain-main di tengah bintang-bintang. Tapi sayang, bumi tempat kita menginjakkan kaki jaraknya bermil-mil jauhnya ke bintang. Tapi ada cara biar kita sarasa berada di langit dan seperti bisa menyentuh bintang-bintang itu. Yupp!! Teleskop!! Teleskop atau teropong bintang bisa kita pakai untuk mewujudkan mimpi kita itu. Tapi teleskop yang benar-benar cangih harganya so weww!! Oke, so   bagi yang kantongnya tipis kita bisa mencoba membuat teleskop sendiri walau hanya sebuah refraktor . Bahan-bahannya pun sudah ada di sekitar kita. This is it : - lensa bekas fotokopi / lup / lensa cembung (biasanya memiliki fokus 25-60 cm) - lensa obyektif mikroskop m=10x sd 20x - lensa okuler mikroskop m=5x atau 12.5x - pipa pralon 4" - sambungan 4"-4" = 2x dan 4"-2"=1x - teleskop finder ( bisa digunakan binokuler yang kecil/diambil satu saja) - penyangga (tripod) alt-a