
Showing posts from December, 2018


(UN)PERFECTNESS IS ME Tadi pagi tak sengaja secara random Joox muter lagu Anne Marie - Perfect to Me . Tiba-tiba kata ‘perfect’ dalam lagunya terngiang di kepalaku. Seketika dalam hati aku berkata, ‘benar juga apa yang Anne bilang’. Iyap! Memang, sempurna bukanlah soal tubuh yang bodygoals, pandai dalam ber-makeup, memiliki barang mewah yang tak semua orang punya, menjadi pusat perhatian banyak orang, ataupun hal-hal lainnya. “KESEMPURNAAN”, itulah hal yang setiap orang ingin capai dalam hidupnya. Sampai-sampai ada orang yang diperbudak olehnya dan menghalalkan cara untuk mendapatkannya. Kesempurnaan berasal dari kata ‘sempurna’. Menurut KBBI, sempurna memiliki arti yaitu utuh dan lengkap segalanya (tidak bercacat dan bercela), dan kesempurnaan itu sendiri adalah perihal atau keadaan yang sempurna. Dari definisi tersebut saya kira tiap orang memiliki perspektif dan ukuran yang berbeda tentang kesempurnaan itu sendiri. Menurutku, perfect disini adalah tentang kebahagia

Makna Dibalik Lagu Cublak-Cublak Suweng

Makna Dibalik Lagu Cublak-Cublak Suweng Cublak-cublak suweng Suwenge teng gelenter Mambu ketundhung gudel Pak empo lera-lere Sopo ngguyu ndelikake Sir-sir pong dele kopong Sir-sir pong dele kopong Masih ingat tidak dengan lagu itu? Iyapp!! Itulah lagu Cublak-Cublak Suweng. Dulu waktu masih anak-anak sering kita bermain dengan menyanyikan lagu itu. Satu anak duduk telungkup dengan posisi seperti sujud dan anak lainnya duduk mengelilinginya, lalu tangan anak-anak tersebut dalam posisi menengadah di atas punggung anak yang telungkup, menunggu giliran batu kerikil untuk disembunyikan dalam salah satu tangan dan kemudian anak yang telungkup menebak siapa yang menyembunyikan batu tersebut. Cublak-Cublak Suweng adalah lagu dolanan anak-anak di Jawa karya Sunan Giri (1442M). Dulu mungkin kita sering bermain dengan kawan dan menyanyikan lagu tersebut. Namun tahukah kamu bahwa lagu ini adalah lagu yang sarat akan makna dan berisi tentang keutamaan hidup manusia. CUB

Anniversary or Mensiversary??

Hi guys ... it’s a happy time to see you now. This time we will discuss about something we often celebrate. Yeah!! An anniversary. Surely you guys who have undergone a relationship must have been very familiar with the anniversary. For those who are single, just calm down, because someday definitely you will have the anniversary, if you already have a girl/boyfriend for sure hahaha XD BTW, what is this anniversary really like? Is it anniversary need to be celebrated? How important is the anniversary? Before we discuss that, first we must know “anniversary”   derived from. Because it seems like there are many of us still don't understand or might be mistaken about this anniversary pronunciation. Yupp .. anniversary is a word that comes from Latin, namely “annum” and “versary”. Well, this is what i can tell you guys, that 'annum' means year and 'versary' which means a turning point. So anniversary is a celebration to celebrate a relationship every year on th

Feeling Fatigue At The End Of Your Period? It May Be Your Body Needs More Iron

During their period, many women lose an essential mineral, such as iron. Iron helps to make red blood cells, which transport oxygen around the body. Heavy and prolonged menstrual periods combined with insufficient nutrition can cause iron deficiency, called anemia. As a result, you may easily feel very tired. Then what should you do? Consume products rich of iron is the solution. Consuming products rich in iron, such as red meat, liver, shellfish, legumes, dried fruits, red-leaves vegetables, as well as iron supplements, can help you cope with the problem. Along with that, it’s important to monitor the balance of protein, the lack of which hinders the body’s ability to absorb iron.

How’s The Connection Between Pimples And Period Cycle Connected?

Most of us feel irritated by the appearance of pimples on our face, especially near the D-day and during menstruation. Moreover, it so much disturbs our appearance. Then why can acne appear near and during menstruation occur? Premenstrual flare-ups of acne occur in 63% of acne-prone women. These occur 7 to 10 days before the start of the period, and usually subside once menstruation begins. Changes in hormone concentration are responsible for these acne breakouts. Testosterone remains at a constant level during the whole cycle, while estrogen and progesterone drop as the period approaches. This means that before and during menstruation, testosterone levels are higher than the female hormones. The increased level of progesterone in the middle of the cycle stimulates the production of sebum. This natural skin oil, coupled with a compression of the pores, promotes excessive bacteria and the onset of acne The problem is exacerbated when the amount of testosterone ho