The Miracle of Soursop

The Miracle of Soursop

          Annona muricata, or what is known as soursop fruit is widely grown throughout the world. The taste and its freshness made it well liked. Not only that, soursop  also contains variety of health benefits.
Annona Muricata
          Research on the efficacy of soursop fruit is done by many institute, one of them done by the Health Science Institute. The results of his research states that soursop is useful for curing heart disease, asthma, liver, and rheumatism.
          Furthermore, a study conducted at Purdue University USA proves that soursop leaves capable to kill cancer cells effectively, particularly cancer of the pancreas, lung, and prostate.
          Not only that institutions which examines the efficacy of soursop. Catholic University in South Korea said one of the chemical elements contained in soursop are able to select, discriminate and kill colon cancer cells 10,000 times stronger than Adriamycin and chemotherapy. Natural substances made soursop not be bad for healthy cells.
          Soursop fruit is rich of nutrients. This fruit contains 67.5% pulp, 20% bark, seeds 8.5%, and 4% fruit core, water, and so most of the carbohydrates. Types of carbohydrates contained in soursop are glucose and fructose. In the soursop fruit is only found very little amount of fat (0.3 grams / 100 grams). Posed a sour taste when eating the fruit of the soursop derived from non-volatile organic acids (malic acid, citric acid, and acid isositrat). Moreover, it also contains vitamin C of soursop around 20mg/100g. High vitamin C content makes soursop fruit as a good antioxidant to increase endurance and slower the aging process. Dietary fiber contained in this fruit at 3.3 grams per 100 grams of fruit flesh.
          Not only soursop fruit that useful for health, soursop leaves also have crucial benefits for our body. Soursop leaves can cure cancer, tumors, diabetes, gout, and can lower cholesterol levels.



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